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Diabetes Caused by Covid may be Transitory, According to a New Study

Thousands of patients in Karnataka have already been diagnosed with diabetes as a result of the Covid-19 infection, according to a recent study from the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH).

Thousands of patients in Karnataka have now been diagnosed with diabetes as a result of the Covid-19 infection, according to a recent study from the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). The study discovered that the emergence of diabetes might be a transitory form of the disease caused by the viral infection’s severe stress, with normal blood sugar levels returning post a couple of days or months.

“This suggests that newly diagnosed diabetes may be a transitory condition related to the acute stress of Covid-19 infection,” explained Sara Cromer, MD, and author.

The study’s findings revealed that acute insulin resistance was the primary cause of recently diagnosed diabetes with most Covid-19 patients. Even that insulin deficit, whether it occurred, was usually not lasting. People with new-onset diabetes showed higher inflammatory indicators and were admitted to hospital ICUs more often than Covid-19 patients with pre-existing diabetes, according to the MGH study.

Many doctors in Karnataka have also discovered examples wherein patients only required insulin or even other medications for a brief period. According to the author, “These patients may need insulin or medication for a short time, and it’s therefore critical that physicians closely follow them to see if and when their conditions improve.”

According to the study’s cohort, people who developed diabetes with Covid-19 had normal blood sugar levels after a year of insulin or pharmaceutical treatment. Covid-19, according to endocrinologists in Karnataka, may force people with pre-existing but undetected diabetes to see a doctor for the first time, allowing their blood sugar issue to be medically diagnosed.

“It is partially true that there is an onset of diabetes in some patients during Covid, except those who may have underlying diabetes that was incidentally detected during Covid illness,” Dr Mahesh D M, Endocrinology, Consultant, Aster CMI Hospital, said.

Doctors fear that the steroids used during Covid-19 therapy may cause sugar levels to spike in some individuals, perhaps resulting in diabetes.

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